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New Construction Homes by Highmark homes

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Highmark Homes

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It starts with family. Highmark Homes began as a joint venture between Gino Lucchese and his brother, and continued to grow over the decades, expanding to encompass his children, and then his grandchildren. The pride that has driven generations to come together beneath the banner of Highmark Homes stems from an unwavering dedication to family, both ours and yours.

Projects by Highmark homes

Disclaimer: The information provided about the builder or developer on this page, including but not limited to project status, pricing, floor plans, and other project-related details, is for general informational purposes only. While we strive to keep the information up to date and accurate, there may be changes or discrepancies that occur. We recommend verifying all details directly with the builder to ensure accuracy. Homebaba is not responsible for any outdated or inaccurate information


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