For over 25 years, Freed has been changing the face of Toronto with its unique brand of experience-based developments. Freed’s portfolio includes luxurious modern condominium developments, F&B ventures, resort communities, and commercial spaces. The firm’s competitive advantage lies in its vertically and horizontally integrated approach, which aligns developments with an effective construction, marketing, sales, and management strategy to amplify the brand, engage with communities, provide best-in-class service and create investment opportunities.
*Disclaimer: The information on this page about the builder or developer, including project status, pricing, floor plans, and other related details, is for general informational purposes only. It may have been sourced from the builder’s website or publicly available data. While we strive to keep the information up to date and accurate, changes or discrepancies may occur. For the most accurate details, we recommend verifying directly with the builder. Condomonk is not responsible for any outdated or incorrect information.
If you are a builder and wish to request updates or modifications to the information on this page, please contact us at